Study & Career in JAPAN - STUDY in JAPAN, WORK in JAPAN

5 Steps to Study Abroad in Japan

Step (2) 
Search for Schools

Start searching for school to study abroad after you have decided on your purpose of study abroad. Educational institution to study abroad will differ depending on one’s major field of study, study abroad period (short-term program), or purpose of study abroad. Please decide on your study abroad destination upon referring to search sites such as search sites that searches a school by institution, search sites of universities offering short-term programs and search sites of programs in which students can obtain a degree by taking classes only in English.

Search for Schools

When searching for where to go to school, it is easier if you decide on conditions like the education institution (such as graduate school, university, vocational college, Japanese language school) you want to study at. Additionally, you will be able to choose a school you will not regret by collecting information such as higher education results of Japanese language schools when entering further education from said school or job placement results and job placement rate of international students when aiming to find employment in Japan after graduation.

(1)Search for Graduate Schools / Universities / Junior Colleges
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Search for Graduate Schools / Universities / Junior Colleges

< Search Sites >

Study in Japan   (Japan Student Services Organization)

Japan Study Support   (The Asian Students Cultural Association)

(2)Search for Professional Training College
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Search for Professional Training College

< Search Sites >

National Association of Vocational Schools of Japan   (Japanese version only)

Japan Study Support   (The Asian Students Cultural Association)

(3)Search for College of Technology
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Search for College of Technology

< Search Sites >

National Institute of Technology

National, Public and Private College of Technology   (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)   (Japanese version only)

(4)Search for Japanese Language Schools
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Search for Japanese Language Schools

< Search Sites >

Association for the Promotion of Japanese Language Education

Disclosure of Educational circumstances of International Students at Japanese Language Schools as of 2017   (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)   (Japanese version only)

左右にスワイプ するとスクロールします

日本語Search for Schools

< Search Sites >

Study in Japan   (Japan Student Services Organization)

(5)Search for Degree Programs Taught in English

With the globalization of Japanese universities, programs in which students can obtain degree in lessons only taught in English are increasing so the Japanese language does not become a barrier at universities and graduate schools. A rough indication of English ability necessary to be enrolled in university (undergraduate) English course is TOEFL iBT 71-80 or IELTS 5.5-6, and English ability necessary for graduate schools is TOEFL iBT 75-80 or IELTS 6.

< Search Sites >

Study in Japan   (Japan Student Services Organization) (Can be extracted with Medium of instruction)

(6)Search for Short-Term Programs

This program is not for the purpose to obtain a degree but for the purpose to experience studying at universities in other countries or regions, to experience foreign cultures, and to acquire language skills. This program is normally during 1 semester or a few semesters of 1 year and the students receive credits through taking courses or receiving research guidance.

< Search Sites >

Study in Japan   (Japan Student Services Organization)

International Students Support Network

Shinbashi Ekimae Building No.1-915, 2-20-15 Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 101-0046

TEL: 050-3749-0637    Email:

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