Study & Career in JAPAN - STUDY in JAPAN, WORK in JAPAN

5 Steps to Study Abroad in Japan

Step (1) 
Understanding Japan’s Education System

You need to first think about your purpose of study abroad. We can classify the purpose of study abroad into 3 categories: “Study abroad for the purpose of obtaining a degree”, “Study abroad for the purpose of learning experience”, and “Study abroad for the purpose of learning Japanese”. Study abroad period and conditions to study abroad will differ depending on your purpose of study abroad. You can decide on the destination to study abroad that suits you upon understanding Japan’s education system and comprehending the types of study abroad.

Education System of Japan

Higher education in Japan starts after finishing elementary education (6 years of elementary school), and secondary education (3 years of lower secondary and 3 years of upper secondary education), a total of 12 years. International students are able to enroll at the following 5 higher education institutions: Graduate School, University, Junior College, Specialized Training College (Postsecondary Course), and College of Technology. Higher education are categorized as national, public, or private.

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Education System of Japan

(1)Number of Higher Education Institutions

There are 4,597 higher education institutions in Japan. There are 3 types of universities in Japan. National universities, which are run by the Japanese Government, public universities, which are established by local public entities such as prefectural and city governments, and private universities, which are established by educational corporations. There are 795 universities (undergraduate programs), 643 graduate schools, 323 junior colleges, 2,779 specialized training colleges, and 57 college of technology.

Number of Higher Education Institutions

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) “Report on School Basic Survey, 2020”

(2)Enrollment Status of International Students in Higher Education Institutions

This chart has the information of where international students are studying at. Majority of the international students study at universities (undergraduate programs) with approximately 80,000 students, followed by specialized training colleges with approximately 80,000 students, and 53,000 students studying at graduate schools. There are not many international students studying at junior colleges or college of technology.

Enrollment Status of International Students in Higher Education Institutions

Japan Student Services Organization “Result of an annual survey of International Students Survey in Japan, 2020”

(3)Study Abroad for the Purpose of Obtaining a Degree

There are 5 types of higher education institution in Japan. Students who are studying abroad to obtain a degree need to decide which education institution they would like to obtain their degree at. Please also take note that the period of study also differs among the education institutions.

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Study Abroad for the Purpose of Obtaining a Degree

To enroll in university (undergraduate) or junior colleges, it is necessary to meet one of the following requirements.

Individuals who completed 12 years of formal school education in a foreign country
Individuals who, after finishing their high school education abroad (less than 12 years of formal school education) completed the designated university preparatory course in a foreign country
Individuals who have a foreign university admission certification, such as the International Baccalaureate, Abitur, Baccalaureat, or GCE A-Level
Individuals above the age of 18 who passed high school equivalency exam that is equivalent to 12 years of formal education in a foreign country
Individuals who completed secondary education equivalent to at least 11 years of formal education in their country/region (according to the list of foreign schools approved by the Minister of Education) in a foreign country
Individuals who completed their formal education at a foreign high school in Japan
Individuals who completed their formal education at an overseas educational institution officially recognized as equivalent to a high school
Individuals who has completed 12 years of formal education at an education institution officially recognized by an international accreditation institution (i.e. WASC, CIS (ECIS), ACSI)
An individual above the age of 18 who has passed the high school equivalency examination
An individual who has completed their education at a special needs secondary education institution or College of Technology
An individual who has completed their secondary education at a designated Specialized Training College
An individual who completed their formal education at a school under Japan's old education system
An individual who, on the basis of the university's admission requirements, has qualified for the university's individual selection process

*Please consult your country/region's Japanese embassy to determine the number of years of formal education your schooling/curriculum is equivalent to

*Individuals who completed less than 12 years of formal schooling and have not completed the designated course must have also completed a university preparatory course or course at a training facility

To enroll in master’s course/doctoral course (first semester), it is necessary to meet one of the following requirements.

Individuals who graduated from a four-year university
Individuals who completed 16 years of formal study in their country
*Medical, dental, pharmaceutical or veterinary students planning to enroll in a doctoral program must have completed at least 18 years of formal education
Individuals who completed at least 3 years of study at a foreign university and earned a bachelor's degree
*Medical, dental, pharmaceutical or veterinary students planning to enroll in a doctoral program must have completed at least 5 years of study
Individuals who were awarded a bachelor's degree from the National institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education
Individuals who completed 16 years of formal education in Japan via an online curriculum offered by a foreign school
*18 years for medical, dental, pharmaceutical, or veterinary students
Individuals who completed their studies at a foreign school in Japan officially recognized as equivalent to that of a foreign university
Individuals who completed their studies at a postsecondary course at a designated Specialized Training College
Individuals who completed their studies at a school under Japan's old education system
Individuals who completed their studies at the National Defense Academy of Japan, Japan Coast Guard Academy, Meteorological College, or another academy or college established by a ministry or agency
Individuals above the age of 22 who was accepted by the university based on the university's individual admission qualifications selection
Degree Programs Taught in English

With the globalization of Japanese universities, programs in which students can obtain degree in lessons only taught in English are increasing so the Japanese language does not become a barrier.

Search for degree programs taught in English: Japan Student Services Organization

(4)Study Abroad for the Purpose of Learning Experience

This program is not for the purpose to obtain a degree but for the purpose to experience studying at universities in other countries or regions, to experience foreign cultures, and to acquire language skills. This program is normally during 1 semester or a few semesters of 1 year and the students receive credits through taking courses or receiving research guidance. (Japanese language institutions are not higher education institutions so you cannot receive credit.)

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Study Abroad for the Purpose of Learning Experience

Search for Short-Term Programs : Japan Student Services Organization

(5)Study Abroad for the Purpose of Learning Japanese

Japanese language schools teach non-Japanese speakers the Japanese language. Some courses are only for studying Japanese and some courses are for the purpose to study Japanese so the student can enroll in professional training college or universities, and courses that offer business Japanese lessons so that students can work in Japan. One Japanese language school may have multiple courses so it is important to not only choose the school but also to select the course that suits your purpose. Additionally, qualification for admission differs depending on each school and course. Please note that you will not receive degree even after graduating Japanese language schools.

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Study Abroad for the Purpose of Learning Japanese

International Students Support Network

Shinbashi Ekimae Building No.1-915, 2-20-15 Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 101-0046

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