Study & Career in JAPAN - STUDY in JAPAN, WORK in JAPAN

Part-Time Job

There are many international students who work part-time jobs to cover their shortage of tuition fee or living expense. However, in principle, “Study Abroad” status of residence for international student to stay in Japan does not permit working. Therefore, if an international student would like to do part-time job, they need to obtain permission from the Immigration Services Agency of Japan. Additionally, you must not violate the rules and conditions set by the immigration office.

(1)Conditions for International Students to Engage in Part-Time Job

There are 3 conditions for an international student to work part-time in Japan. First, you need to obtain "Application for Permission to Engage in Activity Other Than That Permitted Under the Status of Residence Previously Granted", you must follow the maximum working hour, and you may only work in the permitted type of business.

Permission to Engage in Activity Other Than That Permitted Under the Status of Residence Previously Granted

In principle, “Study Abroad” status of residence does not permit working. Therefore, for international students to engage in part-time work, they need to apply for “Permission to Engage in Activity Other Than That Permitted Under the Status of Residence Previously Granted” at the Immigration Services Agency of Japan. (It is possible to apply for “Permission to Engage in Activity Other Than That Permitted Under the Status of Residence Previously Granted” at the airport when you enter Japan.)
You are able to receive approval for “Permission to Engage in Activity Other Than That Permitted Under the Status of Residence Previously Granted” even if you have not decided on your part-time work or details of your work. Additionally, once you receive permission, it is effective even if you change your part-time job. However, effective date is the same as period of stay of visa status so do not forget to renew your “Permission to Engage in Activity Other Than That Permitted Under the Status of Residence Previously Granted" at the time of renewing your visa status. It takes about 2 weeks to 2 months for permission to be granted after you apply for “Permission to Engage in Activity Other Than That Permitted Under the Status of Residence Previously Granted" so please note that you will not be able to work a part-time job immediately after you apply for the permission.

Maximum Working Hours

To work a part-time job as activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted, one’s maximum working hours is limited to 28 hours per week.
Additionally, during summer / winter break of university or school, one may work up to 8 hours a day. (Students may not work while they are on leave from school.)
This limitation of 28 hours is not per part-time job. Please note that if you have more than 1 part-time jobs, the maximum working hour is the total working time of those part-time jobs.

Type of business

Work in adult entertainment business is prohibited as a part-time job as activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted. “Adult entertainment business” mainly means pachinko parlors, mahjong parlors, amusement arcade, sex related work, cabaret, a club which provides male drinking companions for women, hostess bar, night club, darts bar, disco, or pubs. Any work related to these stores are prohibited. Please note that even work such as dishwashing or cleaning at such stores is also illegal.

(2)Possible Income Amount from Part-Time Job

In Japan, each prefecture decides on the minimum wage under the law and companies must pay a wage above the minimum wage.
The chart on the below right lists the minimum wage of the main cities. The minimum wage on this chart is for per hour. The highest minimum wage of the prefectures is Tokyo with JPY1,041. On the other hand, Okinawa’s minimum wage is JPY820 and there is a JPY221 difference. However, since there is a difference in housing expense and cost of living, it is difficult to say which one is better. The average national minimum wage is JPY930.

Possible Income Amount from Part-Time Job

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare “2021 Regional Minimum Wages Revision Status”

Simulation of Part-Time Job Income for International Students

Let’s simulate how much an international student can earn working a part-time job.

International students can work up to 28 hours per week if they obtain “Permission to Engage in Activity Other Than That Permitted Under the Status of Residence Previously Granted". Monthly income in the case of working a part-time job that pays national average wage of JPY930: JPY930 x 28hours x 4 weeks =JPY104,160

Actual Situation of Part-Time Job of International Students

According to Japan Student Services Organization, 70.4% of privately funded international students studying in Japan are engaged in part-time work. Let’s look at how much you can earn through part-time work in Japan by understanding the average hourly wage of international students already studying in Japan, working hours per week, and types of part-time jobs.

(1)Hourly Wage

According to the survey result of the below right chart regarding hourly wage, (though wage varies depending on region, job type, and years of experience,) the most common hourly wage is JPY1,000 to JPY1,199 which makes up for 45.2%, followed by JPY800 to JPY999 which makes up 36.6%. Since approximately 80% of the international students earn hourly wage of JPY800 to JPY1,199, the average hourly wage of international students is about JPY800 to JPY1,199.

Hourly Wage

Japan Student Services Organization “The Summary of Result on an Annual Survey of International Students in Japan, 2019”

(2)Weekly Work Hours

The highest percentage of working hours per week of international students was 39.2% who worked “more than 20 hours and less than 25 hours a week”, followed by 19.2% who worked “more than 15 hours and less than 20 hours a week”. Approximately 50% of the international students with part-time job works more than 20 hours (less than 28 hours) a week.
If we assume one works 4 hours a day, such international student will be working 5 to 7 days a week.

Weekly Work Hours

Japan Student Services Organization “The Summary of Result on an Annual Survey of International Students in Japan, 2019”

(3)Types of Business

Regarding the type of business international students engage as part-time job, 40.2% of the international student work at restaurants, a light labor. The next highest is “sales (such as convenience stores) which was 33.0%. Restaurant business and sales make up 60% of the type of business international students engage in for part-time job.
Additionally, 5.3% of the international students engage as “teaching assistant / research assistant” as part-time job in universities or “translation / interpretation” for students who have a high Japanese language ability.

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Types of Business

Japan Student Services Organization “The Summary of Result on an Annual Survey of International Students in Japan, 2019”

International Students Support Network

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