Study & Career in JAPAN - STUDY in JAPAN, WORK in JAPAN

Living Cost and Prices

It is important to consider the living costs when international students consider studying in Japan. Prices in Japan tend to be higher than other Asian regions. We can grasp the necessary cost to live in Japan by looking at the average income and spending of actual international students studying in Japan. Living costs and the city you live in is largely related. Housing costs is especially expensive in large cities and entire living costs tend to become expensive. It is necessary to think of which city to continue studies in from living cost perspective too.

Price in Japan

Housing cost, taxi fare, bus fare, service cost such as the Internet and mobile phone call charges are especially expensive. Prices in Japan is stable and has not changed so much in the past 30 years. Prices change within Japan depending on the region. Especially the housing cost, which takes up a large amount of the living cost, greatly differs among the region and will change depending on which part of Japan you study at. On the other hand, prices such as mobile phone call charges, the Internet, and utility cost are mostly the same everywhere in Japan.
Food and household items prices will change depending on the store you purchase so you will be able to save money with ingenuity.

Price in Japan

*Prices of Taxi to Hamburgers are those of Tokyo region Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications “Retail Price Survey  retail price index” as of April 2020

Income of International Students

The national average monthly income of international student is JPY148,000. By region, Shikoku area has the lowest average income of JPY119,000 which is JPY40,000 difference from that of Kanto area, JPY162,000. Tokyo has the highest average income in the Kanto area of JPY166,000. Regarding regional difference of income, there is a difference of 31,000 for allowance, JPY18,000 for part-time job, and JPY19,000 for scholarship. When comparing students enrolled in national universities with those enrolled in private universities, students studying at private universities have JPY30,000 higher income of JPY157,000 than students studying at national universities with income of JPY124,000.

Income of International Students

Japan Student Services Organization “The Summary of Result on an Annual Survey of International Students in Japan, 2019”

Income by Expense Item

Most of the income of international students are made up of allowance from their home country, part-time job in Japan, and scholarship. National average of allowance from home country is JPY63,000, part-time job income in Japan is JPY57,000, and scholarship is JPY20,000. Those enrolled in Japanese language schools do not have many types of scholarships so allowance from their home country and part-time job income makes up a higher percentage of their income.

Income by Expense Item

Japan Student Services Organization “The Summary of Result on an Annual Survey of International Students in Japan, 2019”

Spending of International Students

The average monthly spending of international students in Japan is JPY138,000. When comparing spending and income, the spending is JPY10,000 lower than income. By region, Shikoku area is the lowest with JPY110,000 and is JPY40,000 difference with that of Kanto area which is JPY151,000. Tokyo has the highest spending in the Kanto area with JPY155,000 spending. Regarding regional difference of spending, there is a difference of JPY13,000 for education fee (tuition fee) and JPY17,000 for housing expense. When comparing students enrolled in national universities with those enrolled in private universities, students studying at private universities have spending of JPY157,000 which is JPY30,000 higher than spending of students studying at national universities, JPY124,000.

Spending of International Students

Japan Student Services Organization “The Summary of Result on an Annual Survey of International Students in Japan, 2019”

Spending by Item

70% of the spending of international students are made up of education fee (tuition fee, teaching material fee, etc.), food expense, and housing expense. National average of spending for education fee is JPY45,000, food expense is JPY28,000, and housing expense is JPY35,000.
Regarding education fee, national average for those enrolled in national universities is JPY34,000, private universities is JPY63,000, professional training college is JPY55,000, and Japanese language school is JPY53,000.

Spending by Item

Japan Student Services Organization “The Summary of Result on an Annual Survey of International Students in Japan, 2019”

International Students Support Network

Shinbashi Ekimae Building No.1-915, 2-20-15 Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 101-0046

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