Study & Career in JAPAN - STUDY in JAPAN, WORK in JAPAN

Quality of Education

Japan has a high standard of higher education even in the world. University ranking disclosed by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), British company specializing in the analysis of higher education institutions around the world, listed 5 Japanese universities in the top 100. The ranking explained delay in globalization such as foreign faculty in Japanese universities or the ratio of international students as the reason for why not many Japanese universities are ranked. However, the Japanese government is implementing various initiatives such as Top Global University Project.

World University Rankings

University ranking disclosed by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) for 2010 had 5 Japanese universities in the top 100. QS University ranking is said to be one of the three top university ranking and one of it’s feature is that they emphasize academic reputation and reputation from employers such as corporations. University of Tokyo, ranked 23rd, scored 100 out of 100 points for Academic Reputation and 99.6 out of 100 points for Employer Reputation.

World University Rankings

QS “World University Rankings2022”

Joint Usage / Research Center

Currently, joint usage and joint research initiative is implemented in which researchers all over the country jointly use research institution attached to the university, large-scale test research facility of inter-university research institute, and large-scale documents and data, to carry out joint research. Joint Usage / Research Center Japan is an individual structure of Japan in which it can produce global research results along with accelerating large-scale academic research projects through international competition and cooperation. It will greatly contribute to the development of academic research.

Joint Usage / Research Center

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology “FY2020 White Paper on Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology”

Top Global University Project

Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has implemented “Top Global University Project” which aims to help more of Japan's universities rank in the top worldwide, foster globally-active human resources such as those who are cross-cultural tolerant, those who are able to contribute to solving global issues and becoming future creators, and those with global perspective and are willing to contribute to creating an affluent society. 37 schools (as of April 1st, 2016) are selected as universities that conduct world-leading education (Type A) or universities that lead the internationalization of Japanese society. (Type B).

< For more information >

Top Global University Project

Top Global University Project

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology “Top Global University Project Website”

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