Study & Career in JAPAN - STUDY in JAPAN, WORK in JAPAN

5 Steps to Study Abroad in Japan

Step (4) 
Researching Cost and Scholarship

After deciding on the school to study abroad, research school expense and scholarship. School expense differs depending on educational institute (university, professional training college, Japanese language school) and field of major. Additionally, there are both costs necessary at time of enrollment and annual cost. Moreover, there are not many scholarships that cover all costs necessary for study abroad and most are used to partially cover living costs or tuition costs. It is necessary to calculate the total cost necessary to study abroad in details and have a financial plan.

School Expense

School expense depends on the type of education institution (such as university / graduate school or professional training college) and also the faculty / majoring subject. It is most common to pay tuition fee during period of study and pay enrollment fee in the first year. However, depending on details of study or research, students may need to pay facility charges or experimental expenses.

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School Expense

General method of school expense payment is either paying the cost for said year at the beginning of said year or dividing the payment into first half and second half of each year. Some universities offer tuition support for students who have financially difficulties to pay half year school expense at once such as for the student to pay in smaller installment payments or to postpone payment date for a certain period. Please check with your school in advance as conditions and terms differ depending on the school.

(1)University (undergraduate) / Graduate School / Junior Colleges

There are 3 types of universities in Japan. National universities, which are run by the Japanese Government, public universities, which are established by local public entities such as prefectural and city governments, and private universities, which are established by educational corporations.

< National Universities >

Regarding school expense, national universities are allowed to individually determine enrollment fee and tuition fee not more than 20% higher than standard fee determined by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, as the figure below. However, most universities set the school expense to the standard fee. Facility charges for national universities are generally cheaper for humanities course and becomes more expensive for science course and faculty of medicine. The fee generally ranges from few thousand yen to JPY150,000. School expenses for graduate schools are the same as universities (undergraduate).

Standard School Expense of National Universities   (Round off JPY1,000 or less)

Standard School Expense of National Universities

< Public Universities >

School expenses for public universities, which are established by local public entities and run by public corporations, are basically pursuant to that of national universities. However, it seems school expense for public universities differs more depending on the university compared to national universities. School expenses for graduate schools are the same as universities (undergraduate).

Average School Expense of Public Universities   (Round off JPY1,000 or less)


*Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology "2020 Student Payment Survey Results"

< Private Universities >

School expense is much more expensive than those of national and public universities and vary from department to department. Generally the expense will get more expensive in order of humanities course, science course / art course, to medical course. The school expense of department of medicine becomes expensive due to having experiments and laboratory assignments and providing individualized teaching.

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Average School Expense of University (undergraduate)   (Prices in JPY)

Average School Expense of University (undergraduate)

*Edited the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology "Survey on Student Payments for Students Enrolled in the First Year of Reiwa at Private Universities, etc."   (Round off JPY1,000 or less)

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Average School Expense of Master’s Program (including Master’s Course)   (Prices in JPY)

Average School Expense of Master’s Program (including Master’s Course)

*Edited the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology "Survey on Student Payments for Students Enrolled in the First Year of Reiwa at Private Universities, etc."   (Round off JPY1,000 or less)

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Average School Expense of Doctoral Course   (Prices in JPY)

Average School Expense of Doctoral Course

*Edited the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology "Survey on Student Payments for Students Enrolled in the First Year of Reiwa at Private Universities, etc."   (Round off JPY1,000 or less)

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Average School Expense of Junior Colleges   (Prices in JPY)

Average School Expense of Junior Colleges

*Edited the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology "Survey on Student Payments for Students Enrolled in the First Year of Reiwa at Private Universities, etc."   (Round off JPY1,000 or less)

(2)Professional Training College

School expense for professional training college largely differs depending on the specialized study. For example, average first year school expense for nursing field is JPY1,086,000 whereas it is 1.6 times more expensive for acupuncture / moxibustion / Practitioners of Massage, Finger Pressure with school expense at JPY1,739,000. Even in other fields, school expense differs greatly depending on the field of study. Additionally, many medical fields have a 3 year period of study so even if the first year school fee is cheap, it may become more expensive than 2 year professional training college when comparing the total cost from entrance until graduation.

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Average School Expense for Professional Training Colleges   (Prices in JPY, Round off JPY1,000 or less)

Average School Expense for Professional Training Colleges

Tokyo Metropolitan Vocational School Miscellaneous School Association "Reiwa 2nd Year Student / Student Payment Survey (Results)"

(3)College of Technology

More than 90% of College of Technologies are national schools. The school expense is the cheapest of all higher education institutions. There are also many school that are boarding schools and charge JPY40,000 monthly for student dormitory fee including food expense, providing an environment in which a student can receive education at an overall low cost.

< National >

Even when comparing with national universities, the cost is less than half of national universities. Students will be provided with High School Tuition Support Fund in the case of transferring in the third year so the initial cost for transferring year is approximately JPY200,000.

Standard School Expense of National University   (Prices in JPY, Round off JPY1,000 or less)


< Private Schools >

There are only 3 private College of Technology in Japan. The cost is similar to that of industrial field of professional training college.

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Average School Expense of Private Schools   (Prices in JPY, Round off JPY1,000 or less)

Average School Expense of Private Schools

*Edited the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology "Study on Student Payments for Students Enrolled in the First Year of Reiwa at Private Universities, etc." (Rounded to 1000 yen or less)

(4)Japanese Language School

There are no statistic data of average school expense for Japanese language schools but the entrance fee is JPY50,000 to JPY100,000, and annual school expense is JPY600,000 to approximately 1,000,000. Sometimes it is necessary to separately pay for other fees such as for textbook or practical training.


Most of the scholarships are to be applied after arriving in Japan and not many are decided before applicant arrives in Japan. There are not many scholarships that covers all necessary cost for study abroad. It is usually used to partially cover living expense or tuition costs. It is necessary to calculate the total cost necessary to study abroad in details and have a financial plan.

(1)Types of Scholarships

There are two schedule patterns from applying for a scholarship until receiving results.

Scholarships you can apply and receive results before arriving in Japan (very few options)
Scholarships you can apply after arriving in Japan and enrolling in school (many options)

< Screening >
Screenings may be carried out by documentary examinations, written examination testing your general education or knowledge in your field and/or language abilities, and/or interview tests.

< How to apply >
The majority of scholarships requires you to apply through the school you are enrolled in. Please confirm the relevant details at your school's International Student Office.

*Depending on the type of scholarships, there may be application restrictions (such as age, country or region of student, enrolled school in Japan or specified majoring field).

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Types of Scholarships

(2)Government of Japan (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) Scholarship

There are seven types in Japanese Government Scholarships and applicant eligibility and monthly stipend differs. Additionally, besides the following stipend, scholarship may cover round trip airfare, housing cost (international student’s dormitory run by university or public-interest corporation), and school related expenses (will not collect entrance examination fee, enrollment fee, or tuition cost).

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Government of Japan (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) Scholarship

< For more information >

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's government-sponsored international student system   (Japanese version only)

(3)Reservation Program for Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Students (Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students)

Reservation Program for examinees who achieve a superior score on the EJU and enroll as regular students in a university, a junior college, college of technology (3rd grade or upper) or a professional training college in Japan as privately financed students .

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Reservation Program for Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship for Privately-Financed International Students (Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students)

< For more information >

Japan Student Services Organization

(4)Student Exchange Support Program (Scholarship for Short-term Study in Japan)

JASSO offers scholarship for qualified international students who are accepted by a Japanese university, graduate school, junior college, college of technology (3rd grade or upper) or professional training college (hereinafter referred to as “Japanese school”)under a student exchange agreement or other student exchange arrangement on a short-term basis from 8 days to one year between Japanese school and their home higher educational institution outside Japan(hereinafter referred to as “home school”).

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Student Exchange Support Program (Scholarship for Short-term Study in Japan)

< For more information >

Japan Student Services Organization

(5)Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Monbukagakusho) Honors Scholarship for Privately-financed International Students

JASSO offers scholarships for international students who are accepted by a Japanese university, graduate school, junior college, college of technology, specialized training college, university preparatory course or Japanese language institution.

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Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Monbukagakusho) Honors Scholarship for Privately-financed International Students

< For more information >

Japan Student Services Organization

(6)Scholarships of local governments and private organizations

There are over 140 Scholarships by Local Governments and Scholarships by Private Foundations but most of the scholarships are not decided before arriving in Japan. Rather, you will need to apply after arriving in Japan. Qualifier and monthly stipend differ depending on each local government / foundation.

< Search for Scholarships >

Japan Study Support (The Asian Students Cultural Association)

“Scholarship with International Students In Japan” Japan Student Services Organization

(7)Scholarships and tuition exemption / reduction system of each school

There are many educational institutions run by individual funds which offer tuition fee reduction or exemption to international students. Most private universities give 30% reduction after financial screening. Quota and system differ among each educational institution so please directly check with the school you will be studying at.

< Search for Scholarships >

Search for on-campus scholarships and tuition fee exemption system (JASSO)

International Students Support Network

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