Study Abroad Experiences in Japan

International Students’ Interviews

    • Anurag
    • Anurag
    • India
    • Soka University
Why did you decide to study in Japan?
I was fascinated to learn in a Soka education environment. I wanted to come and experience the culture. I think Japan gives a lot of financial support to International students compare to other countries.
What was the biggest challenge you experienced while studying abroad in Japan?
The Japanese language is my biggest challenge. I did not expect it to be this difficult here especially in finding a part-time job and career. Americans do get preferences in non-Japanese speaking jobs. So, not having Japanese language skills lessen the opportunity you can get here even events in the university. Since I am a vegetarian there are very few options.
What can international students enjoy in Japan other than studying?
I noticed that here in Japan it focuses on cultural activities which I felt is very different comparing my university life back in India. I think it’s good that there are many events to attend. Due to COVID-19, I haven’t been able to travel much but I am excited after things have settled down.
What advice can you give to those who are thinking of studying in Japan?
It is very important to learn Japanese. The focus of technical learning maybe a little less here compared to India. It is up to you how much you are learning so try to be able to keep your motivation.
From 1 to 10 what is your satisfaction rate so far in Japan as an international student?
6/10 satisfaction rate!
The pandemic is affecting the rate since more than half of my time I am taking online classes. It would have been higher if there are no pandemic.

Interview Date: August 2021



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