Study Abroad Experiences in Japan

International Students’ Interviews

    • Yu Ru
    • Yu Ru
    • Malaysia
    • Meiji Gakuin University
Why did you decide to study in Japan?
I have always wanted to study abroad since junior high school due to the reason that I would like to experience a different environment for my higher education, which is my university life. Japan has been my destination for study abroad because Japanese culture appeals to me and I have self interest in it. Besides, as a highly developed country among Asia, Japan is a great choice as I believe that there is a lot of knowledge that could be learned and absorbed. Lastly, my family has supported my decision of studying abroad in Japan as this is particularly important to have their help and support.
What was your best experience while studying in Japan?
Although studying abroad in Japan is challenging, I still have lots of wonderful memories and experiences. Personally, I would like to say that being able to meet people around the world with different backgrounds and cultures is my best experience. By having interactions with both local Japanese students and international students has broadened my perspective and widened my worldview. Besides, skiing in Niigata during holidays was also one of my best and wonderful experiences in Japan.
What is your favorite thing you found in Japan? Please tell us why.
As a food lover, I find it fascinating to have the opportunity to taste various flavors of meals due to season changing. Besides, living in Japan is incredibly convenient especially for young students who don't have cars as the public transportation is everywhere. We could access various places within walking distance that have provided the convenience of buying things and travelling.
What is the biggest lesson you learned while studying in Japan?
The growth and biggest lesson I have encountered is to be able to be independent. In several aspects of taking good care of yourself independently, able to enjoy the lives of living alone and financially independent. Besides, knowing who to ask for help while having trouble is also very important. Being independent and mature to solve all the difficulties faced during study abroad is the biggest lesson learned for me.
What advice can you give to those who are thinking of studying in Japan?
Advice for prospective students would be courageous and always be prepared to be able to grab the opportunities. There may be a language barrier but as long as you work hard enough to learn Japanese and understand their culture, you will be able to foster great friendships and wonderful experiences. However, it is also vital to keep in mind that please reserve your expectations as the real lifestyle you encounter in Japan may not be as glamorous as you expected.

Interview Date: August 2021



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