Study Abroad Experiences in Japan

International Students’ Interviews

    • Yu Ern
    • Yu Ern
    • Malaysia
    • Soka University
Why did you decide to study in Japan?
The main reason I decided to study in Japan is because I have been attracted by its rich culture and high technology. Hence, that’s the main reason why I study hard for good grades. Besides, the great and generous financial support both provided by the Japanese Government and my university had made my study abroad dream come true which I was deeply grateful for every support given.
What was your best experience while studying in Japan?
My best experience would be being able to enjoy the season which has a dramatically different lifestyle compared to my home country, Malaysia where it geographically lies at equator, the similar hot climate year long. Hence, I have created great memories with my fellow friends such as being able to admire the breathtaking view of Mountain Fuji from a close distance, appreciating the amazing scenarios in Autumn, visiting all the ancient culture temples and destinations. Lastly, of course my childhood dream, immersing myself in the snowy winter season!
What is your favorite thing you found in Japan? Please tell us why.
The favorite thing I would like to praise about Japan is the efficient way of doing things, especially in the aspects of transportations. I was amazed that the public transport is precisely on time, to the minute. Besides, the buses and train schedule could be tracked online is a greatly convenient and user friendly system. Next, the tidiness and cleanliness in huge cities of the streets is almost miraculous when considering the number of people and low trash bin on streets.
What is the biggest lesson you learned while studying in Japan?
The growth and biggest lesson I have encountered is being able to communicate with human beings from different cultural backgrounds and languages. By understanding and respecting each difference, I could foster wonderful friendships around the world which I had never expected from my study abroad experience in Japan.
What advice can you give to those who are thinking of studying in Japan?
Advice for prospective students would be bold to dream and never give up. There’s lots of opportunities around the world, available for those who are prepared. Besides, learning Japanese before your study abroad trips begin is extremely helpful for you to have a great experience and enjoy your university life to the fullest.

Interview Date: August 2021



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